Lee and his son Cormac started volunteering at Be Enriched back in June. Since then they have been delivering food parcels and hot meals to those in Wandsworth who had had difficulties accessing essentials. Here is their volunteering story!
Q: What is your regular day job?
A: Architect/Property Developer
Q: Why are you volunteering with Be Enriched? A: As I am not working full time I wanted to help out during the pandemic and include my 16 year old son so that he can contribute his spare time as well. A friend of ours put us in touch with Be Enriched when we mentioned to her that we wanted to help out.
Q: What in your opinion has been the best thing about this type of volunteering?
A: Meeting the team that put all the meals together and the people we delivered food parcels and hot meals to.

Q: Clearly, you value volunteering - could you explain to someone who's not tried it, why? A: Volunteering is a great way to contribute to your local community and help balance out some of the inequalities that exist within it. It also breaks down barriers between various groups of people in the same community that might not otherwise meet. Q: Have you taken up any new hobbies, learned any new skills or made new friends through volunteering during the current pandemic? A: We have definitely met new people and had new experiences
Q: Will you be volunteering again? Any particular causes or roles take your fancy?
A: Yes I would love to volunteer again and hopefully in a situation where we do spend more time with the people we are helping so we can get to know each other better.
Q: What's your signature dish that you like to cook for family / friends? A: Roasted Cauliflower. It sounds a bit dull but with the right oil and garnish it can be more delicious than roasted potatoes .